Embryo Adoption
When a family has been successful in having a child through In Vitro Fertilization, there are often embryos remaining. Families in this situation often struggle with what to do with their frozen embryos.
The Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program allows couples who have frozen embryos in storage to donate their embryos for adoption to another couple of their choosing. The embryos are then transferred into the womb of the adoptive mother and (if all goes according to plan) 9 months later, the adoptive woman and her husband give birth to their adopted child.
For families who long to be parents and have been unable to conceive, embryo adoption may be an answer. Prospective adoptive moms must be physically able to carry a child to term as determined by their physicians. Couples who are unable to become parents through traditional IVF treatments may find themselves candidates for embryo adoption.
Several of our friends have approached us about adoption and we can’t thank you enough for walking along side us through this process. It is not everyone’s experience to adore their adoption agency, but we think of you as family. Hope some of our friends will be heading your way when the timing is right! — Annie
If you would like to discuss the possibility of embryo adoption for your family, please contact our Embryo Adoption Inquiry Specialists at Nightlight Christian Adoptions, at 970-663-6799 or [email protected]. You may also visit our website for more information: Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.